How To Buff Acrylic Enamel Paint In 5 Easy Steps?

Painting is an art that looks stunning only when it is smooth. But I know accidents can happen that can create dents and scratches on the surface. To remove this, there is a technique called Buffing.

You can obtain a smooth, glossy, and faultless surface by buffing, which increases the vitality of colors and gives richness to your painting.

I have seen many artists searching for how to buff acrylic enamel paint, which I have explained in this step-by-step guide. I have described some common issues that you face while buffing. So whether you are a novice or an experienced artist, this guide will prove helpful to you. So read it carefully.

What Do You Mean By Buffing Acrylic Enamel Paint?

Buffing is a method used to produce a shiny and smooth surface by mechanically polishing it with a buffing compound. This technique is used in various industries, including automotive refinishing and woodworking. However, this term is not exclusively related to acrylic enamel paint. It is also suitable for traditional art and painting.

Before starting this process, you must know the acrylic enamel paint’s nature. Here are some points that highlight the characteristics of acrylic enamel paint:

● It contains an acrylic polymer emulsion that makes it fast-drying paint.
● Its durable and shiny finish makes it ideal for various materials such as wood surfaces, metal, and canvas.

Note: Make sure you have high-quality acrylic enamel paint if you want to give your final design a unique look. Learn about color theory since combining various colors is the secret to effective bluffing. You can dilute acrylic paint with water, but avoid adding too much water because it can weaken the paint’s durability.

Step-by-Step Guide To Buffing Acrylic Enamel Paint

Let’s move on to the steps to show you how to buff acrylic paint.

Step 1: Thorough Inspection

First, examine the paint thoroughly to check for any scratches, blotches, or clots. This step demands a powerful vision because if there is any flaw left, it will ruin your whole design. The wet sanding will also help you detect faulty spots, but before this, conduct a comprehensive inspection.

Step 2: Wet Sanding

To examine the further cracks, go through the wet sanding process. Don’t forget to wear gloves before starting this process and apply skincare cream after finishing it.

Take a sander, attach it to a sanding block, and submerge it in a bucket of water. Sand the surface in a straight direction. At the same time, be careful to sprinkle water onto the surface.

Then repeat this procedure using 1500 grit sandpaper for a more refined paint job. This process will consume your time, so be patient. Wash the sandpaper in water frequently during the sanding operation to eliminate additional enamel particles. Work on it until it is as seamless as possible.

Step 3: Rinse The Surface

After you’ve finished wet sanding, rinse the surface with clean water. After that, allow it to air dry or clean it with a cotton cloth. Re-inspect the surface when it has dried to see if there are any scratches.

Step 4: Start Buffing

Here’s where the buffing process starts, which will give your paint a glossy and smooth finish. To start, apply an appropriate rubbing substance to the entire surface and rub it with a clean cloth. Scrub this substance into the surface in small circular motions.

This will help you erase any defects in the coat of paint and prepare the outer layer for waxing. After you’ve finished applying the buffing compound, polish it with wax. You can use an electric buffer, but be cautious when using it. If you run it too fast, your paint can be damaged.

Now spread the wax in the same manner as you used the buffing compound. Waxing your surface will give your new acrylic enamel paintwork a brilliant sheen. Repeat this process until you have enough gloss and shine.

Step 5: Add Protective Layer

What if you worked a lot for this process and damaged it the next day? Therefore, you must preserve it from any damage or environmental factors by applying the protective layer. There are various paint sprays available on the market, such as acrylic varnish.

Note: Give yourself adequate time to dry one coat and read the manufacturer’s instructions before applying the protective layer.

Common Mistakes When Buffing Acrylic Paint

While buffing the acrylic paint, you may face some problems.


Over-buffing is a common issue that can make the paint brittle and uneven. To avoid this, apply gentle pressure and don’t buff too much on one spot. It is said to practice on a different canvas before buffing your finished piece.

Swirl Marks

When you apply excessive buffing compound or use improper buffing techniques, you’ll notice swirl marks or haze on the buffed surface. If you are facing this issue, you can easily fix it.

Just reapply the light coat of paint and buff it again to remove the swirl marks. There are also several polishes available that are specially designed to get rid of swirl marks or haze.

How do I maintain the Buffed Surface?

Proper care is required to enhance the longevity of acrylic enamel paint.

● Don’t touch the buffed surface barehanded because oil from your hand can diminish shine.

● If you want to shield it from dirt, fingerprints, and other debris, cover it with a glass cover.

● Regularly wipe off the glass with a soft, dry cloth to keep it clear of dust.

● Don’t use any harsh and abrasive cleaning agents, as they can ruin the buffed finish.


Yes, buffing is an excellent technique to remove any imperfections from the clear coat.

Use 320-grit sandpaper. If it does not work, then try to use rough sandpaper, such as 200 grit.

Buffing aids in the removal of the damaged layer of clear coat, resulting in a cleaner, more vibrant, and shinier surface. Consider sanding a rough piece of wood, which is a similar operation.

20 minutes is enough for acrylic paint to dry, but you should leave it for at least 24 hours to dry completely.

Polish provides a high-quality shine on surfaces but works only when the surface is smooth, while buffing is a technique that can be used to remove dents and scratches.

Final Words

Now you know how to buff acrylic enamel paint. Using the buffing technique, you may make your artwork a masterpiece. You can complete it quickly if you have the right information and a step-by-step manual. When buffing, put on gloves and keep your hands away from the surface.

I hope the foregoing advice will be useful to you, and you may now proceed with confidence. Please contact us in the comment box if you have any other questions.

Have fun polishing!

Jose Scott

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