About Us

Welcome to Beacrylic.com – The ultimate solution and answer to your concerns, quest, queries, learning, suggestions, and interaction with specialists.

We know that the world of acrylics can be overwhelming, with so many different products, techniques, and styles to choose from. 

That’s why we’re here to help make things simpler, by providing you with clear and concise information that you can trust.

Our team has years of experience working with acrylics, both personally and professionally. We’ve tried and tested countless products, experimented with different techniques, and honed our skills to become true brains of the medium. 

But we know that experience alone isn’t enough. We understand that our readers may have concerns and questions about working with acrylics, whether it’s about safety, durability, or getting the best results possible. 

That’s why we’re here to address those concerns head-on with clear and practical advice that you can count on.

I hope you find every kind of information and guidance here. In case the knowledge shared on the website is insufficient, you can contact us 24/7. Our professional team will respond as quickly as possible.

Our Team

Our team members and authors are highly experienced with a significant track record in art and have a strong grip on teaching, inspiring, and guiding students at their institutes. Our professionals analyze the information shared on the site and approve it after thorough research and confirming its validity.

You can also reach our officials for consultation or assistance here:

Jose Scott – Chief Executive

Jose Scott

Hello! I’m Jose Scott, a trendy painter, and artist. I was born and raised in New York City. I grew up surrounded by the city’s rich art scene and was inspired from a young age to seek a career in painting.

After graduating from the School of Visual Arts in New York City with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Painting, I began my professional career as an artist. I quickly earned recognition for my extraordinary style and began displaying my work in galleries and museums across the country.

Throughout my career, I have received numerous accolades and awards for my work, including the National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and the Guggenheim Fellowship. I’m also a part of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Being in the field of art and painting for more than over 30 years, I’ve taught and trained dozens of students and helped them achieve their goals. My passion for teaching motivated me to start a website where everyone could get free access to my services. So here I’m with my website, beacrylic.com.

Marissa Arnold – Senior Editor

Marissa Arnold

Hi, I’m Marissa Arnold, a specialist in nail painting and art. With a passion for creativity and attention to detail, I’ve become one of the most sought-after nail artists in the industry.

My unique style sets me apart, and I love experimenting with new techniques and materials to create stunning designs that reflect your individuality.

From Hollywood actresses to social media influencers, my client list is a who’s who of the city’s most glamorous and influential people.

Let me help you express your inner artist with a one-of-a-kind masterpiece on your nails.

Rick McLain – Contributor

Rick McLain-Author

Hey there! I’m Rick McLain, a passionate investigative news reporter with over twelve years of experience extracting information from the depths of the sea.

I investigate incidents, take public opinions, analyze market trends, and study growing demands and changing social values.

After my Bachelor in Mass Communication from the University of London, I began my practice with the famous news agency The Guardian. I’ve worked as an anchor and had a chance to interact with well-known generalists.

I’ve been a part of Daily Express and Sky News as a senior anchor person. Now I’m inspired to initiate my own news media.