What Is Pillow Paint For Acrylic Pour? Complete Guide

As an acrylic pouring artist, you must be aware of the importance of a base coat. The base coat is the acrylic fluid that is placed on the surface of the canvas before applying other colors. I know all artists do not apply base coats, but I believe it is essential if you want to get a distinctive style. 

According to some experts, it functions as the foundation for your painting. Well, different paints are used, but the question is, what is pillow paint for acrylic pour?

Pillow paint is basically a white house paint that is used in the bloom pour technique. This technique will help you create cell-like patterns on the surface. 

Read this article to learn more about this technique and Pillow paint. Find out what factors affect the consistency of the paint and how thick it should paint for acrylic.    

What Is Pillow Paint For Acrylic Pour?

Pillow paint is white house paint (also known as a pillow) that is put on the canvas before other colors are applied. As an acrylic artist, you must have an idea about the importance of the base layer in acrylic pouring projects. 

I have seen many artists not use a base coat before pouring the paint; that’s not a good idea. There are several reasons to apply a base coat:

  • To create a wet smooth surface for other paints
  • To provide the protective layer between the canvas surface and paints.
  • To create a uniform and cohesive design.
  • To fix the colors on the edges.

Now the question is which base coat is best. It merely depends upon your choice and the project you are working on. Some artists use white house paint (called pillow paint used in the bloom pour technique), and some use acrylic paint mixed with a water pouring medium. 

Whatever base coat you pick, make sure to paint it uniformly on top of your pouring surface before applying your other colors. Now look at the brief explanation of the bloom pour technique in which pillow paint is used. 

Bloom Pour Technique:

This technique is a lively and creative acrylic pouring method that gives artists a special way to produce intricate and lovely works of art.

Because of its ability to create unique and stunning flower-like patterns with colorful cells and lacing, the bloom pour technique gained popularity among all artists. Let’s discuss this technique in steps to know how it works.

1: Prepare Canvas

Place your canvas on a flat, level surface and position it on top of the tray or plastic sheet.

2: Apply “Pillow” Base Coat

The bloom pour technique uses a specific type of base paint called pillow paint, and a precise kind of paint consistency is needed. Usually, this base/pillow paint is just plain white house paint. Pour the pillow paint or any other base coat on the center of the canvas. 

3: Mix Color Paint

Now mix the acrylic paint with a pouring medium to achieve consistency. If you want each color to form cells, add a few drops of silicon oil. Then add these puddles of color in the center of the pillow paint. 

4: Introduce The Cell Activator

The cell activator is a crucial moment in this technique. For this purpose, mix Australian Floetrol (or another pouring medium) with white Amsterdam paint. Then pour the cell activator over colored paint puddles. Ensure the whole area is covered. 

5: Blow For Lacing

After applying the cell activator, gently blow it out using a blow dryer or straw. This activity creates lovely lacing effects in which the cell activator combines with the underlying colors, resulting in delicate designs like lace.

6: Tilt The Canvas

Tilt the canvas slightly to blend and spread the pillow paint with color puddles. It will end up creating a stunning flower-like pattern with beautiful colors. 

How Thick Should Paint Be For Acrylic Pour?

To attain the desired result, please don’t forget to consider the consistency or thickness of the paint. If it is too runny or thick, the paint will not stick to the surface, and your art will lose shape.

So make sure the paint’s thickness is similar to the chocolate syrup or honey. People usually mess with attaining the right consistency of paint for acrylic pouring. 

Before delving into deep, consider these factors that affect the paint’s consistency. 

Factors that affect the paint consistency

Different factors affect the paint’s thickness and consistency, such as 

  1. Pouring technique
  2. Type of paint
  3. Type of medium
  4. Your finished product

Step-by-Step Guide To Achieve Right Consistency

Here are some general guidelines that you must follow to achieve the right consistency: 

1: Use Pouring Medium

Before applying the paint, add a pouring medium to it to get enough consistency. Most artists search for how to thin and mix paint for acrylic pouring. The solution, then, is to blend color with a pouring medium until the finished product flows like honey or motor oil. 

  • The pouring medium is specially designed to thin the paint without affecting its color or adhesive properties. 
  • Liquitex Acrylic Pouring Medium is the most widely used to get seamless results. 

Note: Pillow paint is applied directly from the cane. It is not mixed with water or any other pouring medium to enhance its consistency.  

2: Mix It Gradually

Now add the pouring medium to the paint and mix it gradually. If you apply too much pouring medium at once, the paint will lose its consistency. So, add it a little at a time. 

3: Test Mixture 

To check out the paint consistency, take the stirring stick out of the container and see how the paint drips back into the container. Ensure that the paint drips back into the container in a steady manner and blends back into the paint without vanishing too rapidly.

4: Don’t Overmix

Avoid overmixing the paint because more stirring can result in the formation of air bubbles that would affect your final results. 


Can you use chalk paint in acrylic pouring?

Yes, you can use chalk paint, but it will give a chalky and matte finish. Therefore, I would suggest you not use chalk paint as acrylic paint. 

How does density affect the acrylic cells?

The density will affect the cell size, shape, and color of acrylic cells. 

How are cells created in acrylic pouring?

Acrylic paint is combined with an ingredient called pouring medium (and perhaps silicone oil as well) to make cells, which are then applied to a surface using a variety of pouring techniques.

Can I use water instead of pouring medium?

Yes, you can, but it does not look good and does not give the best finishing. So don’t go for this option if you can afford other pouring mediums. 

Final Words

To sum up, acrylic pouring is a technique to pour paint fluid (as a base layer) on the art-creating surface. There are different paint available for this base coat that is used in different techniques. 

Pillow paint is a white house paint that is used as a base coat and is mostly used in the bloom pour technique. However there is a number of paints available for the base coat, but it depends on your choice to select the one that meets your project needs. 

Now I am confident you answer the question of what is pillow paint for the acrylic pour. If you have any confusion, share it with us. We are always here to help you. 

Jose Scott

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