How To Fix Lumpy Acrylic Paint | 3 Proven Ways In 2024 |

You’ll never want to end up in an art competition or a project with lumpy acrylic paint. It’s annoying and depressing to see your hardly painted art getting lumps. But no need to be worried as there are various ways how to fix lumpy acrylic paint.

We have discussed different easily approachable methods to fix the lumps and give your painting an even look or durable finish. Read the article for detailed information.

Does Acrylic Paint Go Bad?

Yes, acrylic paints go bad, but a detailed answer is slightly different. Acrylics are composed of synthetic polymer that is vulnerable to damage and breakdown. But a long duration is needed for acrylics to be degraded. Storing the paint in a favorable environment can extend its expiry.

Store the paint in a dry and cool place away from direct heat and sunlight. The container should be sealed well and airtight to protect it from chemical reactions. It can surely save your paint for years.

How Long Do Acrylic Paints Last?

It depends, and many factors play their role in the expiry of acrylic paints. Acrylics can last indefinitely if the environment provided is optimum.

As we know, acrylics are synthesized with polymer and color pigments, so they share some of their features with oil-based paints. But they both are distinct concerning the solvent used.

Water is the main content of acrylics compared to oil or petroleum (found in oil-based paints). Once opened, the acrylics dry fast. So better to seal them while not in use to make them long-lasting.

Better to use the acrylics within 6-12 months after opening the tubes. The paint will dry out, and the pigment will fade if not stored properly. A cool and dry place is ideal for storing, along with an airtight seal.

Why Does Acrylic Paint Get Lumpy?

Acrylic paint is popular among artists for its versatile features. It is also easy to use and dries out fast, saving time while painting.

But one of the cons of acrylics is it produces lumps and chunks with time. The lumpy acrylic is challenging to utilize or it may become totally useless. Multiple reasons are there for such damage to the paint, but most likely is over dryness.

Reasons Behind Lumpy Acrylic Paint:

  • As we know, acrylics are water-based paints, so they get more rigid and thicker and dry out faster if not hydrated.
  • Sometimes the artist adds thicker more than the limit. It causes the paint to develop skin or lumps after the paint dries. Moreover, the paint is difficult to be applied smoothly over the surface due to its thickness. So better to mix the thickener in the right proportion.
  • Contamination of the acrylics is another reason why the paint gets lumpy. If you paint with a used brush, there is a chance you’ll contaminate your acrylic paint, causing it to establish lumps.

How To Fix Lumpy Acrylic Paint? 3 Proven Methods

Now you know the reasons behind lumpy acrylic paint. Now let’s discuss the ways of fixing the lumps.

Method 1: Fixing with a Blender Tool

Before you move on to apply the paint over the surface, better to mix the paint well; it can be done with a blender tool. The tool moves the paint in circles. It helps in breaking down the clots, making them smoother.

The method is not a complete solution, but it’ll surely minimize the chance of lumps, and the paint will become more workable.

Method 2: Fixing Lumpy Paint with a Wet Brush

A wet brush can be used to fix the lumpy acrylics. Just dip the brush into clean water and move it over the painted surface. It will break the colour waves, lumps, and clots, making the surface smoother.

Still, the method is not a complete solution, but it can help you overcome the lumps and make the surface uniform.

Method 3: Adding a Small Amount of Water to the Paint

Adding a small amount of water can help fix lumps on the surface. As we know, thick paint is also one of the reasons behind a lumpy finish, so water aids in thinning the paint, which ultimately makes the paint smoother.

For this purpose, add some drops of water to rehydrate the paint. Be careful, as too much water content can spoil your paint.

Adding water and using a wet brush and blender can help to fix lumpy acrylic paint. But complete dependence on such methods is not a wise decision.

How To Fix Lumpy Latex Paint?

Latex paint is popular among many artists, and it can be applied on smooth and sliding surfaces. It adheres to the surface firmly. But you may face lumps while using latex paint. Let’s see how we can fix lumpy latex paint.

Lumpy latex paint can be fixed by removing the lumps first. It can be done with a knife or other sharp equipment. The second step is adding water to make the paint thinner and smoother. Stir the paint well after mixing it with water.

Stirring the paint during painting is crucial, too, so that the lumps do not return.

How to Fix Lumpy Acrylic Nails?

If you’re a woman, you love wearing acrylic nails to look casual and add some attraction to your appearance. What if these acrylic nails get lumpy? It is going to ruin your day. But no need to be worried as there are ways to fix lumpy acrylic nails.

The simplest way is pushing the lumps down to make them smooth and even. It will not damage the color as it is already dried. But be careful, as too much pressure can breach nails.

A nail file is suitable too, if the way mentioned above doesn’t work. Just remove the excess material to minimize the lumps.

If still, these methods are not enough, get back to your nail technician and have your nails fixed.

How to Fix Chunky Wall Paint?

Every one of us loves to decorate and design his home. Designed walls are the most attractive part of our home decoration. But sometimes the painted walls get breached and give a look of Jackson Pollock’s painting. It would spoil one’s mood. Even the best artists would feel cringe about such loss.

Some of us would try to replace the paint with wallpapers or 3D painting, or another expensive alternative. But you should know there are ways to fix chunky wall paint.

  • First of all, analyse the wall from all aspects. Search out for breaches, lumps, thickness, and uneven spots. Highlight the affected areas and note down the damage.
  • Then, you need to scrape away excess material or paint with a sharp tool like a knife or edged metal. Use the tool gently so that parts of the wall other than required don’t get affected. Going too deep can also harm your paint and leave a non-symmetrical surface.
  • The next step is making the surface smooth and even. It can be done using a sanding block or power sander. Just move the sander over the surface gently.
  • Start with coarse grit sandpaper and then gradually move to a finer grit until the area is even and smooth.
  • Finally, apply a fresh layer of paint thoroughly over the surface. Make sure the paint you’re using for a wall is compatible with the original paint regarding color tone and quality.
  • You’re done with the renovation of the wall. Let the wall dry well before you make touch with it.

How to Save Clumpy Paint:

Sometimes the paint gets thicker or cracks while painting. As painters, we have all gone through such a situation. It’s depressing to find out your paint being clumped while you’re painting your favourite art or working on your project.

Moreover, you would think of trashing away the paint as it’s useless now. But wait! Don’t hurry up! It can be made usable and fresh again by knowing the right way.

We gonna save you money and paint by giving you tips on how to save clumpy paint.

  • First, you have to get rid of the clumped part of the paint. Because it can affect your art and spoil your remaining paint, the thickened paint or clumps can be removed with a putty knife or a used toothbrush.
  • Once you’re done with removing all the useless paint content, you need to stir the remaining paint thoroughly. It’s important to note that there should be no clumps in the paint as they can affect the fresh part too.
  • Use a clean spoon or stick for stirring and make there you don’t skip any part of the paint. Mix the paint well. Keep going for about 5 minutes so that no separated paint remains.
  • After the paint has achieved consistency, you can declare it smooth and fit for painting again.
  • Next time stir the paint before using and also during painting, as it can protect the paint from clumping. However, if you get cracks in your painting, there are some effective methods to fix them.

Why Is My Acrylic Paint Bubbling?

Some of the artists find their acrylic paints bubbling or having a foaming appearance. It isn’t charming for an artist. But fortunately, there are ways to fix it. We have some tips for you.

First of all, there should be a diagnosis of the bubbling. There can be multiple reasons why your paint is bubbling. But two of them are the most common.

The bubbles are formed if the paint is applied to a hot surface. It boils the polymer and water content, causing the overall paint form bubbles. Another reason is the paint has expired and has completed its course. It is no longer resistant to harsh environments.

If the bubbles are due to the hot surface, the solution is quite simple and easy. Just wait and let the surface cool down before you apply the paint. You can use coolers or fans for cooling. Once the surface has dropped the temperature, the bubbles should go away.

If the problem is because the paint is getting old, there is no solution to renew the existing paint. Because it has expired and the paint content has degraded. You have to peel away the older paint and replace it with a fresh coating of acrylic paint.

How to Store Acrylic Paint:

Acrylic paint is one of the most popular paints among artists from different fields. It has versatile features and durability. Moreover, it can be used for other art projects and works well under limited maintenance.

The paint needs to be stored properly in order to save it for later usage or extend its freshness. Read more on how to store your acrylic paint.

  • Always store the paint at lower temperatures and with low moisture. Because heat can damage the consistency of the paint, and you may lose the original color tone of your acrylics.
  • The lid should be closed tightly as it prevents the paint from drying out and contamination. Moreover, it helps the paint to be air free.
  • Another advanced method of storing acrylics is freezing. It indeed extends the expiry time of the paint and helps to keep it stored for a more extended period.


What do I do if my acrylic paint is lumpy?

There are some ways to fix the lumpy acrylic paint. Adding water and using a blender or wet brush can help you remove lumps. These tips can indeed eliminate the problem. If these tricks don’t work, add a medium to the paint.

Why is my acrylic paint bubbling?

If your acrylics are bubbling, they may have expired, or you’re applying them on a hot surface. Use a cooler or anti-foaming agent to deal with the problem.

How do you smooth out acrylic paint?

As we know, acrylics are water-based paints. They can be smoothed by adding the right proportion of water. Another safe and effective way is using an acrylic medium. (affiliated)

How do you fix uneven acrylic paint?

Multiple ways are there to make the acrylic paint smooth and even. Choose the one that suits you the most. Try adding water or using a wet brush. A blender is suitable for mixing the paint thoroughly. Adding an extender is one of the most effective techniques.

How do you make acrylic paint look flat?

Making your acrylics look flat is not that complicated. Just use the proper technique. Stir the paint thoroughly, or use a blender instead. If you’re using latex paint, try a heat gun. If nothing worked, freeze your acrylic paint and save it for later.

Can you sand down acrylic paint?

Yes, but be careful, as sander other than fine grit may damage the paint beneath. Always use a smooth and gentle hand for sanding down the acrylics.

Is it possible to revive completely dried acrylic paint?

Unfortunately, once acrylic paint has completely dried, it cannot be revived. However, you can try scraping off the dried paint and reconstituting the remaining paint with water or acrylic medium.


Lumpy acrylic paint is not a bigger problem if you know the proper techniques. It can be fixed to the original just by following some good ways.

No matter if the paint has gone bad or bubbling, the freshness can be returned. Try using the methods discussed above in the article and choose the one that works the best for your paint.

For queries, suggestions, and appreciation, please leave a comment and let us know. Thank you!

Jose Scott

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