Can You Use Acrylic Paint On Concrete or Cement? How To Seal

Concrete structures need a colourful look, and they are incomplete without a layer of paint. They are boring and look weird in their natural grey appearance. There are several options, but can you use acrylic paint on concrete?  

Yes, acrylic paint can be applied over a concrete structure, but you’ll need to evaluate some factors to make the paint stay on the surface, like the moisture level of concrete, indoor or outdoor usage, quality of the paint and preparation of the surface which includes cleaning and priming. Moreover, a final coat of sealant can’t be neglected as well. 

I usually suggest affordable paints or ways to my son, who is fond of engineering concrete and cement models. He constructs the models as a hobby. I take the responsibility of painting them. Whenever I do so, I find no paint as durable and affordable as acrylic for these mini concrete projects. 

So if you’re going to paint your room’s concrete walls, want to add some vibrant glance to your patios, floors and steps or wanna paint statues, models or any concrete or cement structure, I’m at your back. 

In the post below, I’ll guide you through the complete process of painting concrete step by step. We’ll talk about how to prime, paint and seal acrylic on concrete. 

Moreover, I’ll answer your queries and mention all the necessary measures to get you the best output while painting on cement or concrete. 

Factors To Consider While Using Acrylic Paint On Concrete

When painting a concrete surface using acrylic paint, there are several factors that can influence the performance and durability of the paint. I gonna help you deal with these factors. So keep reading.  

Surface Condition

The condition of the concrete surface matters when it comes to painting. Proper cleaning, repair, and smoothing of the surface are crucial for ensuring proper adhesion of the paint.


Concrete is a porous material, which means that it can soak moisture and other liquid substances. This can cause paint to peel or blister if not properly sealed. No need to panic. I gonna guide you on how to seal the surface later. 

Surrounding Temperature

Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can affect the curing and drying time of acrylic paint. Moreover, it affects overall durability too. So painting in winter will definitely be different from painting in summer. 


Moisture is one of the significant factors to take into account. High humidity or exposure to water can cause paint to peel or blister. It’s important to ensure that the concrete surface is dry thoroughly before painting. Another option is a moisture barrier; a primer should be applied if necessary.

Quality of Surface

The quality and composition of the concrete material can affect the ability of the paint to stick. It’s important to use acrylic paint that is specifically formulated for concrete and cement surfaces. 

Foot Traffic and usage

Surfaces like floors, walkways, or patios will be exposed to foot traffic, so it’s important to choose a paint that can withstand heavy wear and tear. For this purpose, I have mentioned sealing the paint below.  

UV exposure

Direct sunlight can cause acrylic paint to fade or bruise over time. It’s important to choose a type of paint that is formulated to resist UV rays and extreme sunlight. 

Factors To Consider While Using Acrylic Paint On Concrete

How To Use Acrylic Paint On Concrete Surface? Step By Step

Acrylic paint is a durable option for painting concrete surfaces. Whether you’re looking to update the appearance of your veranda or brighten up a faded concrete walkway, using acrylic paint for this purpose is an easy and effective way to achieve the desired results. 

Below is a step by step instructions to paint any kind of concrete structure with acrylic paint.  

Supplies Needed

Before you begin, it’s important to gather all of the necessary materials required for preparing and painting the surface. You need the following materials:

  • Acrylic paint of your desired colors
  • Paintbrush 
  • Roller
  • Degreaser 
  • Rough cloth
  • Dust cleaner 
  • Printer 
  • Concrete sealer

Step 1: Preparing Concrete Surface 

The first step in using acrylic paint on concrete is to prepare the surface. Without preparation, the concrete surface may not accept the paint properly. But how to prepare concrete for painting?

You can use a degreaser or concrete cleaner to thoroughly clean the surface. This will remove all kinds of dirt, grime, and other debris that could affect the bonding of the paint. Allow the surface to dry completely before proceeding. 

If your concrete surface is exceptionally rough and porous, you can consider using a concrete etcher or sanding the surface to create a smoother and even surface for painting.

You also need to check for moisture. If the concrete surface is still wet or moist, it gonna affect the paint adhesion, so you better wait for the moisture to evaporate or use an absorbing sponge if the project is smaller. 

However, if the project is bigger, you have to wait until the surface is completely free of dampness. 

Before starting, ensure that the area is well-ventilated, and wear protective gear such as gloves and a mask if necessary. Also, read the manufacturer’s instructions on the package you are using because some products may require extra steps or specific conditions to be used on concrete.

Step 2: Prime Concrete Surface 

Once the surface is prepared finely, cleaned, and dried, you can apply a concrete primer if desired. Concrete primer can help the paint adhere better to the surface and also protects it from moisture and staining. 

But make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying the primer and allow it to dry completely before proceeding. It is better to apply acrylic primer especially made for cement or concrete materials. 

But how to prime a concrete surface? Well, you can apply the primer the same way as you apply the paint. You may use a paintbrush or a roller for this purpose. Apply the concrete primer with great caution, and don’t disobey the instructions written on the label. 

Step 3: Paint The Surface

Now mix the paint in a paint tray. If necessary, you can mix two to three colors to get a different shade. It’s important to use a roller or paintbrush to mix the paint thoroughly to ensure that the color is uniform throughout the paint. 

Once the paint is mixed, test it on an unnoticeable area of the concrete to make sure you’re satisfied with the color, appearance, and texture. Allow the paint to dry completely before proceeding.

Once you’re satisfied with the color and texture of the paint, you can start applying it to the concrete surface. Use a roller brush or paintbrush to apply the paint and work in small sections. Use a brush to even out any brushstrokes.

Allow the first coat of paint to dry completely before applying a second coat. It depends on the conditions of the surface and the type of paint being used if you may need more than two coats.

Step 4: Seal Concrete Surface

If you want the paint to stick to the concrete surface for years, you’ll need to protect the paint with a concrete sealer. But how to seal acrylic paint on a concrete surface?

A clear acrylic sealer that is specially designed for concrete or cement can be used for this purpose. Simply apply it over the painted surface with the help of a brush. For convenience, you can choose an aerosol option for sealing. You may also opt for polyurethane for sealing.

Step 5: Dry And Clean The Surface

Finally, allow the paint to take time to dry. It’s important to allow the final coat of paint to dry completely before walking on or placing anything on the surface. This will help the paint adhere properly to the concrete and make sure that it doesn’t become marred or damaged before it has a chance to dry.

After the paint has dried, you can clean up any materials used during the process and dispose of them properly. It’s also a good practice to touch up any parts that may have been missed or that may have become harmed during the drying process.

Congrats, you’re done with painting concrete using acrylic paint! 

Can You Use Acrylic Paint On Concrete Wall?

Yes, you can use acrylic paint on a concrete wall. Acrylic paint is a water-based and fast-drying paint that can adhere firmly to concrete surfaces. But painting walls is a larger project, and you’ll need a huge amount of acrylic paint. You may consider buying latex acrylic paint that comes in containers instead of tubes. 

But how to paint on concrete walls? It is important to properly prepare the concrete surface by cleaning it and applying a concrete primer before painting. This will ensure that the paint clings well to the surface and that it survives as long as possible.

Another important thing is never to close the windows or doors of the room while painting, as the fumes of acrylic paint may harm you. Painting on walls with acrylic paint may be tricky, but with passion and guidance, it provides with wonderful results.

Can You Use Acrylic Paint On Concrete Floor?

Yes, acrylic paint can be used on concrete floors, but it’s quite tricky to do so. The floor will need extra care until the paint dries. Moreover, you have to apply high-quality paint that can bear the damage by the footsteps.

The best practice is mixing the paint with a sealer and applying it in thick layers. You can thicken acrylic paint by adding specific additives.

Can You Use Acrylic Paint On Concrete Statues?

Yes, a concrete statue can be painted with acrylic paint. It is a good option as the paint is enduring and affordable for such projects. You can paint the statue using a single color, or you may want to give a distinct look to its various parts. 

Be aware that acrylic paint may not be as stable as other types of paint when exposed to the outdoor environment. So if you are planning to paint outdoor statues, it’s suggested to use a paint designed for outdoor use and apply a clear sealer to defend the paint against harsh elements. 

Also, keep in mind that some statues may have complicated details, so it’s advised to use small paintbrushes for those areas.

What Paint To Use On Concrete Other Than Acrylic? 

Epoxy Paint

Epoxy paint is one of the best options for walls, floors, and other concrete materials. It is composed of epoxy resin along with an appropriate ratio of a specific hardener. The paint is highly stable, durable, and long-lasting. 

Oil-based Paint

Oil-based paints are also good for concrete structures. The best thing about these paints is their capability to stick or adhere very strongly to cement or any porous surface. 

Masonry Paint

Masonry paint is another option that is specifically designed for use on masonry surfaces such as brick, concrete, and stone. It is generally a heavy-duty paint that can withstand harsh weather conditions and resist fading, chalking, and peeling. Some masonry paints variants contain special additives that can help to prevent fungus growth.

Concrete Stain

Concrete stain is not a paint but a type of colored dye that can be applied to concrete surfaces to improve their appearance and color. The stain can be applied to both interior and exterior concrete surfaces.

It is available in a number of colors and can be used to produce various effects, such as a natural stone look, a marble look, or a weathered effect. 


How do you get acrylic paint to stick to concrete?

Acrylic paint sticks to concrete with the correct application and using a primer and sealant. The surface must be well prepared using cleaning agents and base coating. After painting, a final coat of sealer is vital. 

How long does acrylic paint take to dry on concrete?

Acrylic paint takes up to 3 hours to dry and more than 24 hours to completely cure. But it depends on several factors like the type of paint, the surrounding temperature, humidity etc. 

How to remove acrylic paint from concrete?

The best way to remove acrylic paint from a concrete surface is by using sandpaper. Another option is using a cloth that is soaked in alcohol or vinegar. Rub it over the painted area to soften down the paint. Scratch the paint once it gets smooth.  

Can I paint over existing acrylic paint on concrete surfaces?

Yes, you can paint over existing acrylic paint on concrete surfaces after ensuring the surface is clean and properly prepared. However, if the existing paint is flaking or peeling, it’s best to remove it completely before applying a new coat.

Final Thoughts 

So, can you use acrylic paint on concrete? Well, it can be done but how to do so or what to take care of depends on various factors but mainly the concrete surface. The precautions and applications for walkways will be different from walls and horizontal surfaces. 

I tried my best to convey to you all the necessary information regarding concrete painting. For queries, please leave a comment below. 

Thank you!

Jose Scott

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